Tuesday, 25 January 2011

A Trip to Cloud Cuckoo Land

So the festive period is done and life is returning to normal but it seems most of society has decided that life is much more fluffy in cloud cuckoo land and they've decided to stay there for an extended holiday, warm weather, cheap beer and plentiful sunbeds included. The more I think about it the more I've come to the realisation that a rather large slice of the population actually live in the land of cuckoo's and only rent a small weekend holiday home here in sunny England.

I haven't written for a while and I'm sure my desire to mini-rant about the things I see has been dulled by the general goodwill to all men that abounds during the Christmas holidays, but my "how can you be so stupid" threshold has been compromised and it's definitely time to vent one's spleen.

Honesty is a great thing, but reality is something all together more powerful and practical. What people say to someone with a camera or microphone is completely different to what they really feel like because the honest truth is altogether too selfish and scary. Andy Gray ponit in question. Today lots of people have been banging on about the NHS and what they think is right and best for us. What people say is they want the best service in the world, but if you asked them to pay for it you would be met by a chorus of sucked teeth and the mechanics "well....." The fact is if you asked almost everyone what would you like more, lower taxes or a better health service you know what the answer will be and it won't be more plasters and consultants earning £150K a year.

People are just looking after themselves, it's not wrong, it's just natural. It's just the way it is, most of the population are more interested in football, beer, posh shoes and who Katie Price is divorcing this week. Not alturistic thoughts of improving things for the greater good. Some people do think of others first, they become politicians and as soon as they get some power they just feather their own nests and fail miserably like the rest of us. They can't help themselves they just have a higher selfish overload alert default overide level to most, but they nearly all crumble given enough time. Even John " The Gray" Major succumbed. He was the most boring prime minister ever and an upstanding pillar of society, but he still found time to sort out the right honourable Edwina Curry whilst still managing to run the country.

 If you lived in a shoe box in a back water northern mining ghetto as a nipper where your dad worked 27 hours a day and your only childhood toys were a bike tyre and a barbie doll with no head what do you expect will happen. You get to the Houses of Parliment on the back of your mining buddies union, full of brother comrade idiology and heart felt  principles, then you get a strong whif of crisp £20 notes and you're game for just about anything as long as it doesn't involve rectal penetration. How many poor Labour MPs are there after they have done their time in the big house, not many.

But I digress from the NHS. Look I know that the best way is to do things, for the common good, but it doesn't work, it's a shame but it just doesn't. If it did then everything would have stayed nationalised and no one would have invented money. Life is a big game and money is the way we keep score. No man wants to come last and that's the problem. The fact is if you want something done effeciently then you have to motivate the people to do it and the best way is money. If everyone got a cut of the savings you would be laughing, but that sounds way to capitalistic for anyone to agree with. As I said it's honest and practical, but no one would agree to it on TV.

Here is something my old papy said to me when I was young and it's as true today as it was then. If I want to spend £1 I can walk to the shops and get £1 worth of food for my £1 which is a good rate of return. If my government wants to spend the same £1 it needs a shed load of civil servants to decide what to buy, where to get it from and how much to pay for it. After 2 years they finally spend the £1 and get 2 penny chews and 4 cola cubes. It's just the unfortunate truth. Smaller government and less tax is better for just about everyone, but it's not very fluffy.

There is a simple cure for all this, in fact there are two of them, but unfortunately one is highly unlikely and the other is even more so. Firstly get rid of money, stop the game altogether announce a winner and give him a prize, maybe even stretch to a runners-up trophy. Get everyone to do things for that greater good I spoke about and all pull together. What a beautiful picture, but there are 2 major draw backs firstly everyone would need to agree and if you get 5 people in a room they couldn't agree on what pizza toppings to order let alone dismantling the global order and world peace. Secondly the people with all the money and the most to lose are the people with all the power, there is no way they will end the game unless they have all their hotels on Park Lane and everyone else is in jail.

The second cure is what I like to call the Will Smith effect. We need some world wide catastrophy, a disaster of biblical proportion or an alien invasion. Something that kills most of us or leaves us so shit scared of what might happen that we forget about all the petty stuff, reject the need for greed and Simon Cowell and live a better life and what is left of the scorched planet. This option is a touch extreme, but slightly more likely than the first.

It's a shame, but Gordon Geeko was right

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