Wednesday, 30 November 2011

More Toasters Please Mr Ping

While spending a moment in quiet contemplation somewhere between Excel and Adobe Acrobat Professional I was, for some reason, struck with the lunacy of the world we live in and just how ironic things had become. Irony whilst meaning like iron is also and I quote  …the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect now the one thing that current world wide turmoils seem to not need is additional emphatic effect but I think we need a little humor to get us through the shit storm of financial melt down hellfire that we seem to be heading inexorably to at a great rate of knots.

The Americans, the bastion of free market ideology have a national debt of around $15 trillion and it's going up by around $100,000 every 3 seconds. That works out to just under $50,000 per person. Who do they owe this money to, well mainly the Arab oil nations with their rather less than resounding endoresment of the one man, one vote policy or the Chinese who well let's just say are being forced kicking and screaming into accepting the modern outlook on human rights and the fact that killing your own people in vast numbers isn't very nice. Classic case of can't live with them but can't live without their inexpensive electrical appliances.

  How ironic that the only way for a fat man in Boyce Indaho to get an extra large pair of pants for less than $20, which is his god given right, is to have it made by 9 old Vietnamese peasants on 50 pence a week with all the profits going to Sheik Ivalot of camels. Democracy in action! We all know Greece and Portugal are skint as is Italy, Ireland and Spain. What's even more astounding is that all the major industrial nations of the world run a national debt, some like Japan's (which is an eye watering  197% of GDP, that's basically equal to everything the whole counrty makes in nearly 2 years) are massive. Some like China's is quite small, less than 15%, but if everyone owes money to someone then who's money is it in the cash machine?

Here's more irony for you. We currently have a tented protest outside St Pauls in London, an instant demonstartion highlighting people's concerns regarding our capitalist system. Who are these people? Mostly sons & daughters of middle class parents who could afford to give their kids a decent university education only because of 250 years of great British money making, exactly what they are demonstrating against. It is also the very reason they can afford those instant pop-up tents so reasonabily priced at their local camping outlet. Hello China 20,000 more tents for camping and general please. How are we going to pay for them? Barclaycard? If they wanted to make a point they should have brought a bunch of those World War One canvas scouting numbers complete with guide ropes, toggles and rubbish campfire songs. Maybe even living in them would have been better, rather than going home every other night to have a shower and cheat people out of their savings by running over 40's dating websites from the comfort of their mortgaged one bedroom studio flat commanding stunning views of the marina and picturesque harbour.

I'll finish on a lighthearted story I found that is ironic to the core and is completely true. In New York a 60 year old violinist who is suing a music competition for age discrimination because he wasn't allowed to enter a youth competition has asked for the alloted judge to be changed because at 88 he is too old. Classic.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Protein or protons

Man has learnt to master many things, we have sent a man to the moon which is 250,000 miles away in a tin can, landed the tin can, gone for a stroll where there was 0 atmosphere and got the can back again. This is no mean feat as to actually get out of the earth's gravitational pull takes an escape velocity of 40,320 kilometers an hour. This is somewhat faster than your average Golf  Polo. The Saturn 5 rocket that got the tin can off and running weighed over 3 million kilograms and was 111 metres high by 10 metres across. I'm no scientist but by my calculations that's a shit load of thrust (don't be dirty !!) and that's a whole load of amazing numbers.

Man has also travelled to the bottom of the deepest ocean and that's a seriously long way down, around 11km at the deepest point of the Mariana Trench. If you dropped Mount Everest into the trench, other than making a really big splash and ruining people's hiking holidays there would still be over 2000 metres of water over the top of it. If you could manage to walk to the bottom on a long, long, long staircase and each step was 1 feet high, you would have to manage a descent of 35,798  steps. When you got to the bottom not only would you feel knackered you'd probably have a bit of a headache because the pressure down there is  15,750 pounds per square inch which is over 1000 times that of sea level. One positive note is I can guarantee no McDonald's franchises in the local area and no one selling fake Rolex watches.

Modern science is also full of some pretty amazing number and some catastrophic dress sense as well. In 1917 Ernest Rutherford split the first atom. An atom is so small, even smaller than Simon Cowell's chances of getting into heaven, that I can't write a number that makes any sense on my keyboard and I'm not using all that physics mumbo jumbo! The numbers involved here are so big and the sizes so small that it makes my hair ache. An average size droplet of rain would have 100,000,000,000 atoms in it. I believe the technical term for that number is 'fuck loads'.

 Now here is the real amazing stuff, so wake up and pay attention. An atom is made up very much like our solar system with the sun in the middle and planets orbiting around it at different distances. As with the atom around 99% of the total mass of the solar system is the sun itself or in the atom's case its called the nucleus and the planets or electrons flying around it have little or no mass. That means practically all the mass is concentrated in the relatively small area in the very centre of each atom. This means the entire universe is 99.9999% empty. That's pretty amazing, OK, sit down, there is reason for all this number bollocks I'm trying to prove a point here.

If we are so clever and know all this astounding number blah blah then explain this simple child like problem to me. A man needs 2500 calories per day to survive. If he consumes more than 2000 too many calories in a week he will increase in weight by 1lb. How many cakes can he eat before his pie arm suffers bingo wing failure and stops working? Also how fat is fat? Why do people think they can eat pizza, crisps, Chinese, burgers and alike all day every day to the tune of over 5000 calories or so yet think they won't end up looking like Mr Blobby's fat brother. Worst of all why do they do it to their kids? Are we really that stupid that we actually believe that the amount of food we shove in our faces has anything to do with how hungry we are or how much energy we need? There is a supposed world wide food crisis, no there isn't, there's plenty of food but most of it is going in the bellies of people who just don't need it. Now I'm off for a cup of tea and a Belgian bun.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Babara where's my other sock?

A menacing dark force is prowling the land, a hideously vile and uncompromising force of nature that rolls unstoppably from house to house eating away at the very fabric of society, sucking us into an abyss of hopelessness and generally scaring old people quite a bit. What is this horror you ask, well it's the unruly, neigh ferral children of an age ending in een. So these teenagers, are they really that bad? Is this a new thing? Of course it's not, the crap you see on the TV is frankly Tish and Pish as my Nan never says as she wasn't alive in the 17th century.

The term teenager didn't even exist until after the second world war, before then you were either fighting a war, growing food or in the north you might be down pit. But you were generally doing whatever you could to survive. There wasn't time for the kids to sod about being moody or wear black clothes with optional eye liner. If you did feel the need to be an arse your dad would simply beat it out of you with a random kitchen utensil or equally painful leather based garment. It wasn't until the 50's when companies needed people to sell their cheaply made plastic crap to that they decided to market their wares to the teenagers!

But kids were so polite and nice in those days weren't they? Really? Picture this, Granny Andrews is sitting in her rocking chair listening to big band magic featuring Glen Millar on her crackly gramophone when in walks her sweet little nephew Francis who she hasn't seen for 6 months. As she turns to greet him she is struck by how he has changed. "Well bless me what happened to you sonny?" "I'm a Teddy boy Nanny." Originally known as Cosh Boys (I wonder why!!) they wore strange clothes, stupid shoes and were generally known for not giving a shit about what anyone else thought. Funny enough papers of the time said they were a menace to society. Weapon of choice was often the knuckle duster. Teddy boy gangs were involved in the 1958 Notting Hill race riots. Sound familiar?

So into the 60's and we had the greasers and I quote "A working class youth sub culture", again very familiar terms. We had a whole decade of peace, love, drugs and rock n roll. Basically everyone, especially teenagers doing exactly what their parents and polite society told them not to do. In the mid 60's we then had the Mods and Rockers. The Rockers being the leather jacket wearing bikers and the Mods were parker wearing scooter riders. These groups both enjoyed drug taking, drinking and bunk ups and on a bank holiday they sodded off to Brighton or Clacton to kick the crap out of each other. These groups caused a "morale panic" with the papers calling them "louts" and "vermin", the Birmingham Post called them "the internal enemies of the UK." Sounds like something I heard last week! Weapons of choice were the bike chain, flick knife and the trusty snooker ball in a sock.

We also saw the rise of the hippies and later the skinheads, imagine how the parents of the 60 and early 70's dealt with those kids? "Doris pass me my spare belt would you pet, the boy still hasn't washed." In the 70's the Mods, Rockers, hippies and skinheads were joined by the ultimate blow to the fabric of society the Punks. Crazy hair, bonkers colours, mad clothes with nothing off limits, but sex and drugs were a must. It's here that the rockers seemed to die off and into the 80's the mods found a new adversery to fight, "The casuals" These well dressed lads in their designer jumpers, pringle T-shirts and  Sergio Tacchini tracksuits had been fighting on the football terraces for years, but decided to branch out to seaside resorts on the bank holiday as way of meeting more mods and putting them in hospital.

The last 20 years have seen similar groups spring up from these sub cultures. These were usually based on their musical tastes and driven by young men's desire to annoy their parents to the max while hoping to massively increase their chances of having sex with women. New Romantics,  Ravers, Metalheads, Goths and a whole lot more that annoyed the press, sent Mary Whitehouse into a biege frenzy and were labelled the harbingers of destruction and were leading us all to the brink of a total morale breakdown.

So when you hear an older member of society bemoaning the kids of today with their gangs and hoodies please remember that they were almost certainly either born during the second half of the last century or grow up through it. Which either meant they were part of one of these groups or they were a virign till they were 34.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Credit cards all round

So just how unpopular are bankers at the moment, how do they stack up against other upstanding members of society? Picture this if you will, its 1975, the wall paper is horrible, collars are massive, the food is boring and your 12" TV is filled with the grinning face of Dave Lee Travis with an unfeasably large afro, thick bush-like beard, gold medallion, rose tinted sunglasses that are only slightly smaller than a side plate and a nylon beige suit that is 2 sizes too small for him.You've just spent the last 4 minutes in a semi-erotic Pan's people trance and now DLT gives you the top ten.

Queue the  music....

In at number ten, they never turn up on time and often smell of shit it's the plumbers.
Down 2 places to 9 it's £250 an hour and more for each letter, it's the lawyers.
Up 1 place to number 8, they get 6 weeks off each summer and finish at 4, it's the teachers.
Going straight in at number 7, they'll hack your phone and pay the police, it's the journalists.
Staying put at 6, it's always twice what he quoted you this morning, it's the motor mechanics.
Up 3 place to 5 this week, one lady owner aren't they always, it's the 2nd hand car salesman.
At 4 a non-mover, they'll throw in the cat, but the carpet is extra, it's the estate agents.
Down 2 places,after 3 weeks on top of the charts, it's last weeks number 1, I don't care if your dog just died it's 3cm over the line, I'd rather eat a cow pat than be one, by the traffic warden.
Up a whooping 23 places, cash for questions and I don't keep receipts, it's your local MP.
And this week's number one, they've been unpopular for years, but this week saw them top the pile. The latest track from their mutli-platinum album "Piss off we're too important to fail" put your hands together for those filthy bankers and "Where's all your money gone"

Although we all want someone to blame for the current crisis and the obvious culprits seem to be the bankers or the whole banking system in general, is it really their fault? I'm sure they have to take their portion of the blame for which a swift kickings or rather heafty whack in the plums would seem a most satisfying punishment, but did they engineer this catastrophy or did we all get sucked into believing we could have our cake, eat it and then sell the plate on ebay for twice what the cake cost? If it looks like a dog, smells like a dog and barks like a dog then surely it can't be a 2 week holiday in Florida with 10 days admission to Disney World thrown in. Are we really saying that we weren't in on this as well, but prefered to hitch a ride on the gravy train, next stop new BMW central.

 We have to take resonsibilty for our own actions. We ran up credit bills we coudn't pay back, took out mortgages for more than we could afford just because some idiot in a suit said it would be okay and we really thought a new car every year and a 2 week holiday in the sun was our god given right. Just because the bank said we could have an overdraft doesn't mean we have to use it, it's not our money and the interest paid back is just wasted money. We went into a shop saw a coat at half price, whipped out the plastic, but when we finally cleared it off our credit card we find we could have bought a sofa instead for the same money.  A credit card limit is the most you can spend not a monthly retail challenge played out in Next and John Lewis. Holy crap, REALLY!!

So where are we now? Basically we've had the fun and now we have pay back time. We've spent all our money for this year plus next years money as well. It's like the morning after the best party ever, we've just woken up and can't remember why someone has written cat flap on our forehead in permanent marker. We've got a stinking head ache, a mouth dryer than a camel's knee cap and we've just remembered we're off to a kids party in 15 minutes. It's going to be painful and we're going to get zero sympathy because it was self-inflicted. Time to man up.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Anyone for Tennis and Tank Shells

As the season slowly moves from spring to early summer I thought it about time to reflect on what has been a some what turbulent, ney chaotic 2011 parts I and II. Part I, or the cold bit seemed to be puddling along quite nicely for at least a fortnight before all hell, that's the Muslim version, broke lose.

The Tunisians decided that they'd had enough and told their president of 23 years that they would like the beatings and oppression to stop and if at all possible they'd like a say in how things were run and if he didn't like it they would send him home to his mummy in very small pieces that resembled Turkish delight. After a short struggle Ben Ali thought long and hard about the icing coated sugar after dinner fancy and took his suitcases stuffed with everyone else's cash and booked himself a one way ticket to Costa Del Despot or Saudi Arabia has it's commonly known.

Now, not to be outdone and seeing what was possible, just about every general populous in every Muslim dictatorship in the area and a few a bit further a field as well decided to get in on the act. I'm not religious in anyway in fact if you have read any of my blogs you'll know what I feel about the 3 pre-eminent Abrahamic religions. All of which are based on the same old testament, a cracking read for the more vicious and vindictive of you by the way. But haven't we been in a war of terror or a Jihad, depending on what side your on, where the way in which we live our lives in the West (freedom of speech, religious tolerance, freedom of expression and equality) were the root of all evil. Now it seems half the Muslim world has decided that you know what this fairness and a right to be heard isn't actually all that bad and we would like a bit of the action. I don't think these guys are mucking around either as anyone willing to take on tanks with sticks, stone and the odd land cruiser really really would like some change.

Funny enough your friendly despotic leader is quite fond of his cushy number that was either handed to him by his dad or brutally rested from the dying hands of the former maniacal ruler and they have resisted to differing levels. Egypt was in comparison to the other reasonably bloodless, Yemen they had riots and someone shot the president with a rocket launcher, guess where he went for medical treatment, yep Saudi Arabia, the country where woman can't drive cars or go out on their own. King Hamad he's been running over people in armoured cars and shooting them in the street, never mind the 3 month state of emergency.  Libya is now in a full civil war because Muammar Gaddafi thought that shelling woman in the street and snipers on every roof was a reasonable response to placards in Tripoli. In Jordan protests lead to the King sacking the government and god only know what's going on in Syria, but whatever it is it ends up with lots of dead people on cell phones.

Perhaps it was the work of one of the gods as not to be outdone the others got involved as well, in the east we had a  flood in Australia, an earth quake in New Zealand and then another in Japan. In the west Brazil had the mother of all mud slides, America had the worst tornados in years. Iceland got covered in ash again and not to be out done mount Puyehue (I can't pronounce it) had a go as well.

Maybe there is a god, maybe there are many, but what ever the answer is I think we have been very naughty and we need to get our house in order.