Thursday, 24 November 2011

Protein or protons

Man has learnt to master many things, we have sent a man to the moon which is 250,000 miles away in a tin can, landed the tin can, gone for a stroll where there was 0 atmosphere and got the can back again. This is no mean feat as to actually get out of the earth's gravitational pull takes an escape velocity of 40,320 kilometers an hour. This is somewhat faster than your average Golf  Polo. The Saturn 5 rocket that got the tin can off and running weighed over 3 million kilograms and was 111 metres high by 10 metres across. I'm no scientist but by my calculations that's a shit load of thrust (don't be dirty !!) and that's a whole load of amazing numbers.

Man has also travelled to the bottom of the deepest ocean and that's a seriously long way down, around 11km at the deepest point of the Mariana Trench. If you dropped Mount Everest into the trench, other than making a really big splash and ruining people's hiking holidays there would still be over 2000 metres of water over the top of it. If you could manage to walk to the bottom on a long, long, long staircase and each step was 1 feet high, you would have to manage a descent of 35,798  steps. When you got to the bottom not only would you feel knackered you'd probably have a bit of a headache because the pressure down there is  15,750 pounds per square inch which is over 1000 times that of sea level. One positive note is I can guarantee no McDonald's franchises in the local area and no one selling fake Rolex watches.

Modern science is also full of some pretty amazing number and some catastrophic dress sense as well. In 1917 Ernest Rutherford split the first atom. An atom is so small, even smaller than Simon Cowell's chances of getting into heaven, that I can't write a number that makes any sense on my keyboard and I'm not using all that physics mumbo jumbo! The numbers involved here are so big and the sizes so small that it makes my hair ache. An average size droplet of rain would have 100,000,000,000 atoms in it. I believe the technical term for that number is 'fuck loads'.

 Now here is the real amazing stuff, so wake up and pay attention. An atom is made up very much like our solar system with the sun in the middle and planets orbiting around it at different distances. As with the atom around 99% of the total mass of the solar system is the sun itself or in the atom's case its called the nucleus and the planets or electrons flying around it have little or no mass. That means practically all the mass is concentrated in the relatively small area in the very centre of each atom. This means the entire universe is 99.9999% empty. That's pretty amazing, OK, sit down, there is reason for all this number bollocks I'm trying to prove a point here.

If we are so clever and know all this astounding number blah blah then explain this simple child like problem to me. A man needs 2500 calories per day to survive. If he consumes more than 2000 too many calories in a week he will increase in weight by 1lb. How many cakes can he eat before his pie arm suffers bingo wing failure and stops working? Also how fat is fat? Why do people think they can eat pizza, crisps, Chinese, burgers and alike all day every day to the tune of over 5000 calories or so yet think they won't end up looking like Mr Blobby's fat brother. Worst of all why do they do it to their kids? Are we really that stupid that we actually believe that the amount of food we shove in our faces has anything to do with how hungry we are or how much energy we need? There is a supposed world wide food crisis, no there isn't, there's plenty of food but most of it is going in the bellies of people who just don't need it. Now I'm off for a cup of tea and a Belgian bun.

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