"Just Say No" was the snappy slogan that headed up the push in the 1980's and then the 1990's to stop American teenagers taking drugs. It crossed the Atlantic as well and I was struck by just how pathetic it's impact has been. This is shown by the ever increasing levels of drug taking, which is not surprising really considering it was middle aged men in suits or cheery faced smiling youth workers that were pushing it. But the emphasis is heightened further as it seems that parents of today, the teenagers of yesterday, have completely lost the ability to say NO. We can say fuck and shit, wanking and other forms of self gratification are happily conversed about now, with bum sex and uphill gardening a constant source of mirth and frivolity, but we just can't say NO. We have somehow lost the ability to upset others by just saying that today you can't have all 5 chocolate eclairs or you don't actually need another 32" TV in your bedroom because the other one is the wrong colour.
Our ever expanding waistlines are a true indictment of our inability to refuse the last 17 Rolos in this cleverly marketed sharing packet. Who's sharing? No one because your partner currently has their face in an over sized bucket of slightly sweetened popcorn, soon to be washed down by a pitcher of arse widening sparkling beverage. Yes, I know this in itself is just a treat and we all deserve a treat from time to time and yes I do exactly the same, but did you really need that stupendously long hot dog and cheese top nachos as well? No you didn't, your belt didn't and the poor seat at e4 definitely didn't. Why do we do it, why do we spend ridiculously large amounts of cash on over priced shit just because the big sign said we could save 70p on a number 2 meal deal. It's the cinema, not a reasonable priced food outlet that you will be heading to once the film is done. And another thing who invented those resealable bags for sweets, possibly the least used invention since Clive Sinclair decided we all needed a battery powered tricycle, what a cock.
Our belly bulging credit card limits also prove our complete inability to say no. Perhaps it's the bright lights again and the chance of a bargain but we just can't say no to a good old spend up at the local Mecca to consumerism. I'm a man of 41 who has never spent massive amounts on clothes and I do throw out stuff I don't wear any more and I've managed to amass 84 assorted shirts, tops and T shirts in my wardrobe. How did that happen, Christ knows, although he is busy at the moment so I'm not expecting an answer. I can see the logic being played out in the minds of lady shoppers everywhere. I've got a coat, in fact I've got 4 coats, actually I've got one very much like this but in a slightly darker shade of blue. Now the credit card statement came in last week and I'm almost up to my limit, but not quite. Christmas is coming up and everyone is coming over for dinner so that's going to cost a pretty penny and I'm still waiting for the vet bill to come through. This is a really really nice coat should I buy it?
The answer should be screaming in her head;
What actually happens is the little voice in her head says:
If you buy it now then you'll save your husband £80, isn't that nice of you. Please ignore the fact that if you didn't buy it you would save him £100 more and it's going to sit in the wardrobe unworn until at least 2014. This is not important, what is important is you will feel great for at least the next hour, it's the latest John blah Di blah Blah and Julie will be sooo jealous. If your hubby does kick up a fuss he'll soon forget all about it if you offer him a blow job.
Does madam required the hanger and we could offer you a further 10% off if you opened an account with us today?
The final area of "NO" apathy is the whole children thing. I consider myself to be working class. I work, my wife works to pay the bills, my mum has worked all her life and my dad has had a series of non skilled jobs throughout his working life. I earn slightly more than the average wage and I can't afford to go on a foreign holiday every summer. To me this is working class. Most of my friends, acquaintances, family members and other assorted knowns are either similarly well off with the odd middle class couple thrown in for good measure. Sorry being from Canvey means you can never be middle class, you're working class like me.
I am truly astounded by people's inability to tell their kids no or no you can't. People just can't do it. They must think that saying no is tantamount to child abuse, no, feeding a fat kid McDonalds every week is child abuse. Saying no creates boundaries and kids need boundaries to grow and mature. Yes every so often the little cherubs of sweetness and love will push on these boundaries to see how far they can flex their muscles, but for god sake we're in charge not them. 8 year olds playing call of duty is not only illegal but downright dangerous. 11 year olds that can't use a knife and fork is truly embarrassing and 7 year olds eating crisps followed by sweets and a lolly before 10 in the morning, just because they asked twice and you want an easy life is complete abdication of a parent's responsibility to look after their child. Kids that only eat chicken nuggets or hot dogs and no vegetables is a joke, make them eat them, trust me no child ever died of stubbornness. They will eat them if they are hungry. Children tell their parents NO and ignore whatever they say, so kids can do it so why can't mummy and daddy? This is proof that parents sometimes don't know what's best for their kids.
The problem is all these are things I see each week, time and time again and the terrifying thing is I'm not exaggerating any of these for once. People just can't say NO. We need to start taking responsibility for our actions, we need to start doing what's right and not what's easy and we need to show our kids by deed and action what is right what is wrong, what is acceptable and what is just for monkey's or the French.
I'll leave you with this thought; no one is impressed with dishwasher stacking and anyone who thinks they have a skill in this area is massively diminshing their chances of having sex with a woman.
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